What a busy few months of fundraising it has been for our offices!
First of all we took part in the Macmillan coffee morning at the end of September. We find this to be one of the most popular fundraising activities we take part in. When there is cake and tea involved, it’s always a winner. Supporting this charity helps provide medical, emotional, practical and financial support, as well as campaigning for better cancer care.
Secondly, we took the opportunity to support the Wear It Pink day for Breast Cancer Now. Donations and games were played to help fundraise for the charity. A selection of forfeit photos were also compulsory if staff ‘forgot’ to wear pink!
We were proud to also support a local charity, close to our head office in St Helens. The Steve Prescott Foundation was founded in 2007 by local, and fondly loved, Rugby League player Steve Prescott, who sadly lost his battle to cancer. They support 2 charities, The Christie and Try Assist. Their latest expedition was to climb mount Everest. They raised a staggering amount of money and continue to raise awareness for the charities.
Last but not least……our very own GDA, David Standfast completed the Amsterdam Marathon, raising over £500 for the NSPCC. Fantastic achievement David, your colleagues at A&M are very proud of you.
Phew. What a few months! Raising awareness of these charities is what it is all about.
Staff at A&M continue to support local and national charities, no matter how much money they can spare.
Proud of you all.